Call for Director Nominations and Motions - AGM 2025
The Australian Karate Federation Limited (“the Company”) is a not for profit national sporting organisation established to support and promote karate in Australia through the marketing, organisation and facilitation of all aspects of karate nationally and internationally. To support these objectives, the Company is committed to securing and maintaining a balanced and skilled national Board to represent its Members and their interests. The Company is committed to providing contemporary, respected corporate governance and leadership.
Election of Directors
The election of a Company Director will take place at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company on Thursday 3 April 2025. The following positions are to be elected by Voting Members:
- One Director who will be elected for a term of three years to the Company Board.
The terms of appointment of 1 current Director expires at the AGM, and is eligible to re-nominate for the position of Director.
Eligibility for nominating
Nominees for Elected Director positions on the Board must meet the qualifications and in pursuance of the objectives of the Constitution. An Elected Director is not required to be a Member but must, prior to being elected a Director, agree to be bound by the Constitution and the Policies.
An employee of a Member Organisation and/or of the Company cannot also be a Director of the Company. In accordance with the Company’s Constitution (“the Constitution”) “an Elected Director, who is a member of the board or management committee of Member Organisation or Affiliate, must resign that position immediately should they be elected as a Director”.
Process for nominating
Nominations for Directors should include:
- The completed Board of Director Nomination Form; and
- The executed Consent to Act as a Director Form;
If you wish to nominate for the position of Director of the Company, please submit the nomination documents by 5.00pm (AEST) on Monday 10 March 2025.
Consideration and review of the nomination for the position of Director of the Company Board
The assessment of all nominations and determination of those persons considered eligible, and who will be put forward in the election process will be considered by an independent expert consultant appointed by the Company. The role of the consultant will be to independently assess the eligibility of nominees. There will be no opportunity for appeal in respect of the assessment undertaken by the independent expert consultant.
Nominees will be notified regarding whether their application for nomination has been deemed eligible by no later than Wednesday 13 March 2025.
If a prospective nominee’s application is assessed and determined to be eligible to stand for election, the nominee’s name will be placed on the ballot paper for the election process to be held at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3 April 2025.
In accordance with 10.3 of the Australian Karate Federation Limited Constitution the CEO will request from Voting Members notices of motions, which must be received no less than 28 days prior to the AGM.
Directors nominations and motions to be forwarded to
Please note: Only forms received from voting members, as at 13 March 2025, will be considered.